63 Nicolson Street, Bailey’s Muckleneuk, Pretoria

Our Curriculum

Grasslands’ curriculum is specifically developed in such a way so that the skills and outcomes follow and build on the previous years’ accomplishments.

Our Focus

The curriculum covers the five developmental areas







Emotional development is a key building block for any further growth. Therefore, we deem feelings of being loved and cherished while being cared for (with safety as our highest priority) as crucial in this developmental phase. A monthly milestone development chart is available from the class leacher. Fine-motor stimulation through educational toys takes place at scheduled times on a daily basis


A fixed program, which focuses on all five levels of development, is followed and evaluated daily. Progress is continuously monitored and progress reports are given

Detailed Outline

There is a balanced- and well-structured curriculum for each specific age group, which will daily be implemented by each class teacher. Parents will be able to familiarise themselves with the term program in the beginning of each term, however no copies of the program will be made available. Although continuous conversations about the individual child’s progress will take place, formal progress reports will be handed out as follow:

The first term consists mainly of an initial adjustment report. There will predominantly be made mention of the child’s emotional wellbeing as this form the basis for any further academic stimulation. A baby/toddler can only learn effectively when he/she feels emotionally cherished and loved.

At the end of the second term, a progress report according to set milestones will be handed out. This will form the basis as to determine the additional needs of each specific child. In the following months, more attention can then be given to ensure that all the age-appropriate outcomes are reached by the end of the year.

A final progress report is handed out in December with the main aim of ensuring that the baby/toddler has successfully achieved the necessary milestones by the end of the year.

A Parents’ meeting is held after each progress report is handed out.

Additional educational services

During an evaluation and assessments, a lack or backlog in a specific area is picked Up, the parents will be guided and assisted with advice, suggestions and additional educational services. At Grasslands we view backlogs as challenges! We offer the services of an occupational therapist, speech therapist and physiotherapist on our premises, which can be utilised at the parents’ request. The teacher and therapist will work closely together as to assist the toddler to achieve his/her full potential

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