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Importance of story time in the evening and age-appropriate book ideas.

The importance of story time in the evening for pre-school and nursery children cannot be overstated. Not only is it a great way for children to unwind and relax before bed, but it also helps to develop their language skills and imagination.

One of the key benefits of story time is that it helps to improve children’s language skills. As they listen to stories, they are exposed to new vocabulary and sentence structures, which helps to expand their language abilities. Additionally, when children are given the opportunity to tell their own stories or retell a story they have heard, they are able to practice using language in a fun and engaging way. This is particularly important for children who may be struggling with language development, as story time can provide them with additional support and opportunities to practice their language skills.

Story time also plays a key role in helping children to develop their imagination. As they listen to stories, they are transported to different worlds and introduced to new characters and ideas. This helps to stimulate their imagination and allows them to think creatively. Additionally, as children begin to understand the concepts of cause and effect and narrative structure, they are better able to make connections between the stories they hear and the world around them. This can help children to develop problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities, which are essential for their future academic and professional success.

Furthermore, story time can also help children to develop their emotional intelligence. Hearing stories about different characters and their experiences can help children to understand and empathize with the emotions of others. Additionally, discussing stories with their parents or caregivers can provide children with the opportunity to express their own feelings and learn how to manage their emotions in a healthy way.

Story time is also a great way to promote bonding between parents and children. Reading together can create a special time for parents and children to connect and share their thoughts and feelings. It also encourages children to explore their own feelings and express their thoughts. This can create an environment where children feel safe to discuss any issues or problems they may be facing.

In terms of age-appropriate book ideas for pre-school and nursery children, there are a wide variety of options available. Some popular choices include:

  • “The Cat in the Hat” by Dr. Seuss: This classic story is a great introduction to early reading and is filled with fun, rhyming words and colorful illustrations. It helps children learn how to read and understand new words.
  • “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak: This story is a great choice for older pre-school and nursery children as it explores themes of imagination and adventure. The story tells the tale of a young boy who travels to an island inhabited by wild creatures and helps children understand the importance of imagination and creativity.
  • “Corduroy” by Don Freeman: This charming story tells the tale of a teddy bear who lives in a department store and is loved by many children. It is a gentle story that can help children understand the importance of friendship and kindness.
  • “Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown: This classic bedtime story is a great choice for younger children as it helps them to learn the names of different objects and colors. It also promotes a peaceful and calm atmosphere for bedtime.
  • “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle: This story is a great choice for children who are learning about the life cycle of animals and the importance of healthy eating. The story follows a caterpillar’s journey from egg to butterfly and helps children understand the importance of healthy eating habits.
  • “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss: This is another great choice for younger children as it teaches them about the importance of trying new things.


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